Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Vivamax: Mini-Reviews of NURSE ABI, HUWAD, TOP 1

July 2, 2024


Director: Dustin Celestino

Writer: Dustin Celestino

Roy (Vince Rillon) is the only graphic designer left working in their company after the other two resigned. Since then, Roy had been overworked, still very much underpaid, but he never complained to his boss Shiela (Heart Puyong). One night, after working very late swamped with rush projects, Roy fainted. He woke up in the clinic of their building, being tended by a pretty nurse, who introduced herself as Abi (Alessandra Cruz).

It was hard to believe that one wrote the cheesy dialog exchanges in this film was the same guy who wrote "Ang Duyan ng Magiting." I did like Celestino's use of voice-overs so we can hear what shy Roy really wanted to say. Newcomer Cruz has one of the prettiest faces in the Vivamax harem, so she should be getting more lead roles soon. One remarkable detail of Roy's condo unit were three seven-level, ceiling-to-floor shelves containing his massive collection of DVDs and VHS tapes. Too bad Roy never got around to talking about his love for films like I thought he would.  5/10


Director: Reynold Giba

Writer: Arriana Martinez

Romina (Azi Acosta) has been noticing that her security guard husband Lando (Aerol Carmelo) is always not in the mood to make love to her. Her mother Trinidad (Katrina Paula) told her that she suspected Lando to be having an affair. When she caught Lando at the house of ex-Japayuki Sue (Chloe Jenna), Romina hired the services of herbalist healer Antonio (Simon Ibarra) to help her make a charm to get her husband back to loving her. 

The story was so old hat, it did not really need to be a full-length film. This time around, director Giba did not only stretch time with numerous useless sex scenes. A lot of time was also used up for very long sequences showing Mang Antonio's process of concocting his potions  -- one for conjuring love, one for darker purposes. While Carmelo sleepwalked through this, Acosta was wasting her time and talent. 3/10.   


Director: Temi Cruz Abad

Head Writer: Maya Diaz

Writers: Zane Mendoza, Temi Cruz Abad

Azi Lalu (Christy Imperial) was the consistent topnotcher of her graduating Senior High School class. Her main competition for Valedictorian was Dexter Morabe (Armani Hector), who can't seem topple Azi from first place.  His girlfriend Misia (Mariane Saint) suggested that Dex could pretend to court Azi in order to seduce and distract her from her studies. As if the stars aligned for this plot, Azi picked Dex's name as her partner for their final research paper. 

Being Senior High students, Azi, Dex and Misia should still only be 16 or 17 years old. Showing these minors very actively engaged in sexual hijinks in the library or restroom of the school! That scene where Azi and Dex were solving a complex math problem on the board was impressive, for both Imperial and Hector. Christy Imperial gave a very good, realistic portrayal of class genius Azi. However, her childlike mien made her transition to sex siren tough to watch. 5/10. 

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