Friday, September 6, 2024

Sinag Maynila 2024: Review of WHAT YOU DID: Split by Stress

September 6, 2024

Arvin Espiritu (Tony Labrusca) just received an email that he had been accepted as an assistant manager at a resort in Palawan. However, they immediately called to cancel the offer because the government announced a lockdown of Metro Manila because of the spreading COVID-19 pandemic. Trapped in his condo unit with no friends to talk to and nothing to do, Arvin soon became restless and very anxious -- until Ace showed up.

This film was written and directed by Joan Lopez-Flores. As we all just went through the COVID-19 pandemic along with the rest of the world, everyone will be able to relate to Arvin's escalating anxieties. However, Arvin experienced traumatic circumstances -- father Ricky (Epy Quizon) dead, mother Nina (Ana Abad Santos) abroad, childhood crush Iris (Maryjoy Apostol) living with someone else -- which made his mental health at higher risk of breaking down. 

Tony Labrusca made a big name for himself when he starred opposite Angel Aquino in the hot and steamy May-December drama "Glorious" (2017). However, in the past five years, his career had a downturn when he was involved in non-showbiz-related controversies which damaged his reputation. This year, with this difficult role he did in "What You Did," Labrusca makes a bid to prove that his showbiz career deserved a second chance.

Labrusca played a dual role in this film -- the reserved introvert Arvin and his gregarious impulsive twin Ace.  In dual roles, an actor is challenged to give each twin his own distinct mannerisms and personality, and this could lead to award consideration when done right. Labrusca gave an earnest subdued portrayal as Arvin, but looked like he had more fun cutting loose and breaking taboos as Ace.  Overall, this was a worthy comeback effort for him.

Aside from Epy Quizon in childhood flashbacks and Ana Abad Santos in Zoom calls, the other supporting actors actually shared scenes with Labrusca. Mercedes Cabral played Arvin's Auntie Liza, who regularly checked up on him. Maryjoy Apostol and Iggi Siasoco played Arvin's childhood friends Iris and Otep. Elle Ramirez played Che, who had a major unrequited crush on Arvin in college. JP Lopez played wacky "Tiktaker" condo maintenance guy Prof. 

Of course, the director and film editor also help make the illusion of one actor playing twins more convincing. Like other psychological thrillers about twins, they want to confuse us whether Arvin and Ace were two separate people, or were they one and same person. However, for the reveal to work, clues should not purposefully trick the viewer. The use of two different shirts at one time is a point of contention, likewise, that gunshot at the climax. 6/10

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