Friday, June 28, 2024

Review of A QUIET PLACE: DAY ONE: Carnage in the City

June 28, 2024

Terminally-ill cancer patient Sam (Lupita Nyong'o) and her service cat Frodo lived in a hospice in the outskirts of New York City. One day, she reluctantly joined nurse Reuben (Alex Wolff) and the other residents of her hospice on a group outing to a theater in the city to watch a puppet show. With this trip to the city, Reuben promised Sam that she would be able to buy the special pizza she had long been pining for. 

However, their excursion was suddenly cut short when meteors started falling down from the sky. One of them hit their bus forcing a dazed Sam to walk out into the dusty streets along with other shell-shocked New Yorkers. Suddenly, there were alien creatures who began picking off random people from the street and killing them.  The survivors were told that the creatures were attacking those who were making noise, so they kept silent. 

We have already met these blind alien creatures sound two movies ago, so writer-director Michael Samosky (taking over from John Krasinski) did not see the need to describe them anymore. In the first film (2018), we met the Abbott family evading these monsters in their remote town in upstate New York. In the second film (2020), we followed the Abbott family's search a radio station to broadcast a sonic solution for their plight. 

Without the Abbott family in the story anymore, we have to reacquaint ourselves with a new lead character Sam, whom Lupita Nyong'o played with internalized anguish. Fortunately, we had cute cat Frodo to keep our spirits up. We do recognize a familiar face whom we met before in Part II as the "Man on the Island." Here we learn that his name was Henri (Djimon Hounsou), and we see the germination of his leadership potential.

As she was finding her way to the pizza she so wanted, Sam meets a British law student Eric (Joseph Quinn), who emerged from an inexplicably flooded subway station. Quinn's Eric certainly did not look like his Hellfire Club president Eddie Munson, which Quinn played in the fourth season of "Stranger Things" (2022). One remarkable detail about Eric was his neck tie which he never removed from beginning to end, which was simply weird. 7/10. 

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