Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Vivamax: Mini-Reviews of LINYA, SISID MARINO, CITA

June 18, 2024


Director: Carlo Alvarez

Writer: Carlo Alvarez

Gia (Cess Garcia) is a popular barista at the Brucekoffi coffee shop, especially among male customers. Her boss Danny (Vas Palacay) and fellow employees like her for her efficiency at work. Her playboy co-worker Cris (Anthony Davao) had also fallen for Gia's charms. However, Gia was also the kept woman of a notorious politician, Cong. Aries (Chester Grecia), who feasted on Gia's body even in plain sight of his driver Pepe (VJ Vera).

Carlo Alvarez wrote, directed, and called the shots for this movie very well. Garcia and Davao both displayed promising dramatic chops. That scene of Gia and Cris on their smoking break outdoors was even more erotic fully-clothed, than in their nude sex scenes. That scene of Gia confessing her sad past experiences to Cris in bed was heartbreaking. Now if only Alvarez did not have to have to fulfill the Vivamax quota of gratuitous sex scenes, this could have actually gone somewhere more substantial. 5/10


Director: Joel Lamangan

Writer: Eric Ramos

The first born son of Susan (Julia Victoria) and her former seaman husband Elmer (John Marcia) died within minutes of being born. While Susan was recovering from the trauma, Elmer discovered that he had been scammed by the cooperative with which he had invested all his earnings from abroad. Feeling that they only had each other against the world, they decided to just lock themselves away in their homes and engage in non-stop sex. 

This one actually started out promising as it showed positive family dynamics of supporting each other in times of tragedy. Neophytes Victoria and Marcia were actually able to handle their characters quite well, as long as they kept it restrained. As their situation eventually became hopeless in Act 3, so did the film. Their bizarre perversion of sex and violence was inexplicable, outrageous, and absurdly peaked with a physically impossible climax. 2/10. 


Director: MJ Balagtas

Writer: Byron Bryant

18-year old Cita (Erika Balagtas) is the young wife of 54 year-old farmer Arturo Fontilla (Francis Mata), owner of several orchards of various fruits like lanzones, mangoes and dragon fruit. One day, Turo was visited by buyer Vanessa Ariola (Zia Zamora), a businesswoman whose Japanese partner who was being investigated by policeman Floy (Arjay Bautista). Meanwhile, Turo's lusty son Aldoy (Renzo Ruiz) fed Cita some bad ideas. 

Like many other Vivamax films, the story was wasted, just a skeleton to hang sex scenes on. The dragon fruit farm looked very good, but viewers will just probably remember it as the location of daring all-out sex scenes involving the sturdily-built Vanessa and middle-aged Turo (whom I thought was a senior citizen because of his white beard, until his age was mentioned). Balagtas was still too raw to headline a film. She only had one flat facial expression all throughout. 2/10

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